Judo Kata
Nage-no-Kata , also called “Randori-no-Kata ”, was created to help Judo students understand the principles and master the basic techniques of Nagewaza used in Randori . It is made up of three representative techniques selected from Te-waza , Koshi-waza , Ashi-waza , Ma-sutemi-waza and Yokosutemi-waza to practice for both left and right sides in each technique. Basis of throwing techniques is acquired by practice of Kuzushi, Tsukuri, Kake and how to receive the technique on each technique.
Katame-no-Kata was established, along with Nage-no-Kata, around 1885 to 1886, in the early days after founding of the Kodokan. It says that the Kata was originally consisted of ten techniques but later expanded to fifteen techniques. Katame-no-Kata is composed five representative techniques selected from Osaekomi-waza, Shime-waza and Kansetsu-waza, and is also called Randori-no-Kata together with Nage-no-Kata. The basic logic and application of the techniques with correct methods of pinning, countering those pins, strangling and locking joints against an opponent are acquired by learning this Kata.